Model Convention in English...
The National University of Tucumán, hereinafter called U.N.T., with legal address in Ayacucho 491, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina and represented in this act by its Rector Ing. Agr. José García, and …………………………………….. University, hereinafter called………………………………, with legal address constituted for this purpose ……………………..and represented in this act by its Rector …………………………………………….. , have agreed to make this arrangement of exchange and university cooperation on the basis of the following clauses:
FIRST: The parties agree to carry out the following activities together:
a) Exchange of scientific and technical information of mutual interest.
b) Exchange of professors, researchers, technicians and advanced students to give courses, seminars, lectures, to do apprenticeship and to join research teams and other scientific and academic activities.
c) Provide the use of physical infrastructure, equipment, laboratories, bibliography and other teaching and research materials that each University counts on, in the development of joint programs.
d) Activities of coordination tending to ensure:- The development of postgraduate activities (courses, thesis tutorship, etc)- The organization of joins research groups.- The publicity of each University’s academic and research activities.
SECOND: The exchange of teachers, researchers, graduates or students shall be made with the express approval of each University’s principal authorities responsible of the application of their arrangement, taking into account previously the proposal of the academic organisms or the scientists concerned. The right to accept the candidates is reserved by the hosting University on the basis of their backgrounds, as well as its financial possibilities and quota.
THIRD: Both Universities will establish levels of assistance to make the interchanges mentioned in the second clause possible. This will be determined in each particular case.
FOURTH: The present arrangement will be carried out by organisms specialized in International Relations at each University, and controlled by its highest authorities.
FIFTH: The present arrangement will last 5 *(five) years and will and be automatically renewed for equal periods as long as the will not to renew is not expressed in a period of no less then 90 (ninety) days prior to the expiration date. It will be enforce the following day of its signature.
SIXTH: The present arrangement may be void at any moment by either of the parties, prior to a certifying notification made at least 180 (one hundred and eighty) days in advance.
SEVENTH: In the case of Non-Renewal as well as rescission in advance, the activities being carried out will not be affected unless the contrary is agreed upon.
EIGHTH: Both Universities consider it is convenient to encourage projects of annual teamwork to carry out the arrangement. However, it is feasible from the date indicates in the fifth clause.
Two identical copies of the present arrangement are signed to a sole effect in…………………….. on…………………………………………-